10 Suggestions for Art Gallery Owners

Most of these are simple suggestions, but when combined, they can help make you into a distinctive, top-of-the-heap retailer.

1 Print information under your gallery’s artwork, including title and artist (and make it large enough for seniors to read).

2 Say “hello” the second someone walks into your gallery. Give them the opportunity to browse and tell them you’re available to answer any questions.

3 Offer refreshments such as coffee or tea–even small pastries. Also offer an attractive restroom with fresh flowers and name-brand toiletries.

4 Post signs explaining your return policies and store guarantees in visible areas. Let customers know that anything they buy can be returned or exchanged. Include your signature at the bottom of each sign.

5 Make sure everyone on your staff is able to provide details on all of your gallery’s products and services.

6 Offer your customers several payment options, such as cash, checks, credit cards or a lay-away plan. The more ways you give customers to buy, the more sales you will have.

7 Offer to visit your customers’ homes or offices to give them ideas on how they can best decorate them using your gallery’s artwork or frames.

8 Offer to hang artwork purchased at your gallery in customers home or offices.

9 Gather information on new customers. Ask them to sign up for mailing lists. Get their address, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and artist preferences.

10 Keep in touch. Send customers your monthly newsletter with information about the artists you carry. Also include what’s new with gallery news and a rundown of upcoming community art events.

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Read the original article here: http://artinbulk.com/10-suggestions-for-art-gallery-owners/

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