Who is J Roybal?

J Roybal paintings is on the list of our bestselling paintings and we received many emails asking about biography about this artist. We see lots of this artist’s artworks and reproductions for sale on ebay, art auctions, online websites, galleries and so on. His paintings are mass produced in China every month.

J Roybal painting

Is Joyce Roybal a Real Person?

Joyce Roybal is a British Postwar & Contemporary artist who was born in 1955. His artworks are influcened by another artist called Graciela Boulanger. Joyce Roybal’s paintings use decorative thick textured, subjects mainly children playing musical instruments or sports balls, hot air ballons, bicycles. Some refer to his images as “Puffy People”.

Is J Roybal and Joyce Roybal the same person?

I’m afraid not. There are lots of paintings with the signature ‘J Roybal’ in the maket, they are actually not Joyce Roybal’s artworks.

Who is J Roybal then?

It is not possible for you to find reliable souces about this artist, not even on wikipedia. Why? Because based on our experience in art reproduction field. J Roybal is quite possible a made-up name by a Chinese oil painting wholesaler who create new artwork based on Joyce Roybal’s art. And because of the hotselling of these new artworks, more and more oil painting suppliers join this group and sell the reproduction of these artworks which makes J Roybal artworks everywhere. Because this kind of method(sometimes for avoiding copyright issues) is not new in this field.

J Roybal Paintings Value

The artist J Roybal is not Joyce Roybal and probably don’t exisit, just a made-up name to sell Joyce Roybal style decor artworks. So the J Roybal paintings value would not be high.

The post Who is J Roybal? appeared first on Art in Bulk.

Read the original article here: http://artinbulk.com/who-is-j-roybal/

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